

Sen. Graham endorses Ted Cruz for president


(CNN NEWSOURCE) It's a sign of just how much the Republican Presidential Primary has turned the party on its head.

Senator Lindsey Graham is supporting Senator Ted Cruz.

Graham ended his own presidential bid in December, then supported Jeb Bush and campaigned for him.
Support for Cruz is an about-face for the South Carolina Senator who recently mocked Cruz's unpopularity among his colleagues.

"Well, what I'm saying, John Kasich I think is the most viable general election candidate. I just don't see how John gets through the primary. This is an outsider year, he's seen as an insider, so I think the best alternative to Donald Trump to stop him from getting to 1237 is Ted Cruz, and I'm going to help Ted in every way I can, I'm going to raise money for him in the pro-Israel community, and if I were in one of the states coming up in terms of voting and I didn't like Trump, I would vote for Cruz," Sen. Graham said.

The senator said he has doubts about Trump.

“I think Mr. Trump is not a Republican, I don't think he's a conservative, I think his campaign's built on Xenophobia, race-baiting and religious bigotry, I think he'd be a disaster for our party,” Sen. Graham said.

Graham said Sen. Cruz would not be his first choice but he's a Republican conservative that he could support.