
Food finder map helps people find their next meal

and last updated

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — WPTV wants to fight hunger as the community faces the coronavirus pandemic and we want to let the community know how they can access much-needed resources.

WPTV is hosting a summer version of our Annual Bill Brooks Food for Families Food Drive and holding it virtually. At the moment, only monetary donations are being accepted. No food or canned goods can be dropped off due to COVID-19.

The United Way of Palm Beach County will use the money donated to buy food and distribute it to local families in need.

Donations can be done through text or by clicking here. People who want to donate can choose which county they want to donate to. The event wraps up with an all-day virtual telethon.

The United Way of Palm Beach County created a Food Finder Map to help people know where they can go to get their next meal. Every location has information in English, Spanish, and Creole. The information is updated constantly by the United Way and all of its food partners.

To view the map and find the locations, click here.