WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — QR codes made a resurgence during the pandemic, helping to eliminate touchpoints at places like restaurants, which often used the black and white squares to direct customers to a digital menu. They popped up at doctors' offices, social media sites and now you’ll find them on WPTV, too. Here are some facts about QR codes and how to use them:
The QR stands for quick response, and they were invented in the 90’s by a Japanese company called Denso Wave.
QR codes were first used in the automotive industry to track how far along in the manufacturing process a car was.
A QR code is a bar code that is used to quickly give information. Although QR codes are barcodes, they work a little differently.
Regular barcodes need a scanner to read the information. QR codes can be scanned through a smartphone camera. When a user points a phone camera at the black and white square, a link will appear to redirect the user to the information stored in the code.
The difference between a QR code and a barcode is that the latter only stores information horizontally while the QR code stores information both horizontally and vertically making the QR code able to hold more information. QR codes can store numbers, letters, other language symbols, images, audio, and other information.
You may notice QR codes pop up from time to time while watching WPTV. The goal is to connect you with news and weather information in an easy, fast and convenient way. To access the free WPTV streaming apps, go ahead and give this QR code a try: