WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — There is a lack of lighting in some areas of downtown West Palm Beach, which has some residents voicing safety concerns.
It's a story that WPTV learned about during one of our recent "Let's Hear It" events.
WPTV anchor Janny Rodriguez took a walk with two long-time residents who are seeking answers to get lights turned on.
Phyllis and Michael Rubinstein told us they enjoy walking almost everywhere they go.

"This is why we picked downtown to live," Phyllis Rubinstein said.
The couple have called downtown West Palm Beach their home for the past 16 years, but they have concerns.
"I just do not feel safe walking around downtown," Phyllis said.
They have to walk in the dark from Dixie Highway to Quadrille Boulevard to get to some of their favorite places.
Rodriguez walked with the couple down Lakeview Avenue to see the problem for ourselves.

Once we crossed the street and our photographer turned his camera light off, we could see the problem firsthand.
"There's lights over there that aren't on," Phyllis said. "I've complained about that. There's a light over here, that's not turned on."
She said she has voiced her concerns over this issue but to no avail.
"I've called so many times to different agencies to different people, and I've got nowhere," Phyllis said. "That's why I came to you because I've seen such wonderful things that your station has provided."
Rodriguez reached out to a city of West Palm Beach spokesperson about Phyllis' concerns.
In a text, the city told WPTV the following:
"According to the city public works director, there were never any lights installed on that street. FDOT is responsible for a lighting project on that street. The city is going to ask the developers to put up some temporary lighting"
"I’ve heard this before, and it hasn't happened," Phyllis said.
"We hope to get the problem fixed," Rodriguez replied.
"I hope you can," Phyllis said.