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Boca Raton mom with COVID-19 gives birth early, remains hospitalized

'Only a miracle [will] take my wife out of the hospital,' husband says
Deysi Moraes, Boca Raton mother hospitalized with COVID
Posted at 3:14 PM, Sep 29, 2021

BOCA RATON, Fla. — A Boca Raton family is praying for a miracle after a pregnant mother went into the hospital with COVID-19 in July.

Luciano Moraes said his wife, Deysi, has been hospitalized for weeks following complications from the virus.

At the time, she was seven months pregnant and said a doctor had told her not to get vaccinated.

"When she got (to the hospital), they needed to do the C-section immediately," Moraes said.

Luciano Moraes
Luciano Moraes holds his son shortly after he was born this summer.

He said their son, Andrew, was born two months early but is now home and healthy.

"Andrew is the first boy in her family," Moraes said.

The couple has two other girls, named Amy and Annie, who he said take after their mother with their funny faces and goofiness.

"I miss her very much," Moraes said. "I would marry her again, for sure."

Doctors at Bethesda Hospital East told Moraes that his wife had severe damage to her brain and lungs, and medically it is unlikely she will wake up.

Luciano Moraes, wife hospitalized with COVID-19
Luciano Moraes speaks about caring for his children while his wife remains hospitalized with COVID-19.

He said their faith in God is what they are relying on right now.

"Only a miracle [will] take my wife out of the hospital," Moraes said.

Family friend Daia Gomez said she started a GoFundMe page for Moraes when he had to stop working and take care of three children at home.

"It is not easy for us to watch, but he is doing an awesome job," Gomez said. "We are facing an impossible situation."

Moraes said he is living off of the donations along with help from friends and the Brazilian community.

"I am learning how to be a mom now. Without them, I would not be able to do anything," Moraes said.

They both said their faith is helping them pray for a chance that Deysi will survive.

"Deisy is critically ill, but God is the one who can change this," Gomez said.