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Florida's coronavirus cases hit 26,811, highest since record Aug. 26

State's 102,337 infections in week second only to New York's 163,799
and last updated

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Florida reported 26,811 coronavirus residents' cases, the most since a record 27,699 on Aug. 26, during the height of the surge from the delta variant.

But there are two big differences as the omicron spread than during this summer. On the day of the record cases there were 16,457 hospitalized with COVID-19 and Thursday's hospitalizations are 1,913. Increased deaths in the past week were 273 compared with 1,727 then with the toll ultimately hitting 2,448 two weeks later.

The Florida Department of Health has reported a total of 3,832,530 cases to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on a posting on Thursday. The state stopped reporting daily figures on its website on June 4.

In one week, cases have risen 102,337, which is second only behind New York's 163,799, including 94,360 in the city and 69,439 elsewhere. Illinois trails Florida with 80,927.

Fifteen days ago Florida was 21st with 12,767 cases for the week.

Florida's infections have grown exponentially from 1,948 10 days ago then to 3,030, 4,104, 6,835 on week ago, 8,785, 10,284, 10,115, 10,115, 16,049, 20,178 posted Wednesday. Twice week a CDC revises new daily cases in data provided by the state.

The daily seven-day average has risen to 14,619, which is the most since 15,565 on Sept. 7.

After a peak in early September, cases had subsided to as low at 1,224 on Nov. 27 with only 686 reported on Nov. 26.

On Wednesday, the CDC reported a total of 243,817 cases in the U.S.. This was one day after 205,076 and two days after 291,671, which was the most since the record 294,015 Jan. 8. The seven-day moving average had dropped to 11,518 on June 19.

New York state reported a record 38,835, smashing the mark one daily earlier of 28,000 for a total of 3,053,602, which is the fourth most in the U.S. behind Florida. Until the spike last week, the record was 19,578 Jan. 8, according to CDC tracking.

California has the most cases, 4,969,615, including 15,485 most recently, and Texas is second at 4,457,359 with an additional 12,476. California has the U.S. record with 73,711 and Texas' is 29,310 earlier in the year.

Among states Wednesday reporting records: Illinois 18,942, Ohio 15,989, New Jersey 15,482, Massachusetts 9,042. Pennsylvania added 10,548 (record 12,793 Dec. 11, 2020) and Georgia 10,1`02 (record 12,815 Jan. 8).

In cases per 100,000 over the past week, Florida is 13th among states at 476.5. New York City is No. 1 at 1,123.5, District of Columbia at 934.8, Rhode Island at 856.8, New Jersey 642.9, Illinois 638.6, New York state at 628.1, Massachusetts at 624.2, New Hampshire 618.2, Ohio 613.4.

Florida has a total of 62,347 residents' deaths with one occurring on Tuesday. Twice a week the CDC back-adjusts deaths that have been reported to the state, including those from weeks ago. The three-day increase was 83 (previous week 66) with seven days 273 (previous week 159).

California has 75,381 fatalities, including 102 reported Thursday, with Texas second at 74,092 with 89 most recently.

Pennsylvania reported the most daily deaths: 177.

Over the past seven days, Pennsylvania reported a U.S.-high 796 with Ohio second at 683, Arizona 492, California 490, Texas fifth 435, Indiana 424, Michigan 414, Illinois 406. Florida lists only 32 as occurring in the past week with back adjusting done Monday.

Infections are also surging worldwide with a record 978,806, according to on Wednesday, one day after the mark of 914,379. Setting national records were

Coronavirus hospitalizations in Florida have surged by 64 from 1,849 with 3.54% total bed capacity), compared with 1,411 one week ago but nowhere near the record of 17,295 on Aug. 29. The record low is 1,228 Nov. 29.

Florida is ranked 11th in the nation despite the third-largest population.

In the U.S., the total hospitalizations for the disease: 70,923 (9.61%) compared with 67,306 a week ago.