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Florida's coronavirus deaths subside to 1,293 in week, cases down 7% to 122,428

Positivity rate drops to 14.3%, hospitalizations fall to 6,301
and last updated

Florida's coronavirus situations is improving with deaths' weekly increase 1,293 one week after 1,324 and three other key indicators are still slowing amid the omicron variant: cases' rise slow to 7.0% 122,428, the lowest since late December and 28.5% of the high four weeks ago, with 9,790 reported most recently, the positivity rate dropped to 14.3% from a record 31.3% with Palm Beach County declining to 11.1%%, still way above 5.0% target.

And hospitalizations are 6,301, which is a decrease of 440 from the day before and the least since 5,700 Jan. 4 with 11,839 Jan. 19, the most since 12,651 Sept. 11 and much less then record 17,295 in the summer during the delta surge. One week ago it was 8,132. Tests are way down from an all-time high at the start of the year.

During a spike, cases first rise, then hospitalizations, then deaths.

Fatalities rose to a cumulative 67,572, which is third in the nation with 86.2% of the increase, 1,115, those 65 and older. The weekly increased deaths compare with 1,324 the week before, the lowest since 1,368 Oct. 8, more than half of the record of 2,448 during the delta surge on Sept. 10, according to data from the Florida Department of Health. Two weeks ago the surge was 1,192, three weeks ago 605, four weeks ago 470 and five weeks ago 184, among the lowest since the pandemic.

The cases reported Friday were the first time under 10,000 since 8,288 Jan. 23.

For comparison purposes, the first four months of the pandemic in Florida in 2020 had 400,000 cases. The entire United States had under 400,000 cases in a week in late July.

The cumulative cases total is 5,732,798 behind California with 8,204,171and Texas with 6,436,773. Florida increase is the least since 28,841 on Dec. 17, one week before the spike of 124,861.

Florida passed 5 million on Jan. 15, 4 million on Dec. 28, 2021; 3 million on Aug. 19, 2021, 2 million March 27, 2021 and the first million on Dec. 2, 2020. The first cases were reported in Florida on March 1, 2020.

Four weeks ago the first-time positivity rate rate dropped for the first time after a record 31.3%. It was 2.6% nine weeks ago with the record low 2.1% earlier. Before the spike, the last time it was above the 5% target rate was 6.6% on Sept. 24. The overall first-time positivity rate is 24.8% compared with 23.2% the week earlier.

The state reported 21% of youths 5-11 have been vaccinated, the same as one week earlier. The state listed vaccination data for those 5-11 is 358,248 compared with 351,085 one week earlier.Eight of nine adults (89.0%, just 0.2 percentage points increase) have at least one vaccination shot and those 12 and older at 87.1%.

The state reported there are 40 deaths under 16 (rise of three) and 793,726cases (777,331 previous week) and 16-29 there have been 464 deaths (increase of six) and 1,277,928 cases (1,251,574 previous week). At the other extreme, for 65 and older there are 50,797 deaths (49,682 previous week), which is 75.2% of total and 734,711 cases (692,789 previous week), which is 12.8% of total.


Generally, at-home rapid tests are not reported to agencies. The state didn't give any details on the processing of tests from labs, including whether there was a backlog because of the holiday weekend. The first omicron "stealth" variant has been reported from labs in Florida.

The new daily cases record was 76.639 posted on Jan. 9. Three other times cases exceeded 70,000.

The state since June 4 has not released daily data, though information goes to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Just 60 days ago the daily increase was 1,947. Nine weeks ago the entire weekly cases total was 13,452. Until the recent spike, the previous record for increase in the state was 152,760 22 weeks ago.

Last week the weekly increase was 131,699 and four weeks ago a record 429,311. On Nov. 30 the weekly 9,792 increase was the lowest since the state went to weekly reports on June 4.

The seven-day moving average is 14,723, the lowest since 12,289 Dec. 21 with the record 65,301 Jan. 11. On Jan. 22, there were 8,349 infections were reported, the fewest since 6,830 Dec. 15.

The new cases in the state over one week were 103,022, one week after 132,622, four weeks after a record 430,095 and 11 weeks after 9,641, the lowest since the state week to weekly reports, which is different than the increase because of revisions.

During the surge from the delta variant, the daily record was 27,663 on Aug. 26.

With the omicron spreading worldwide in the past month, Florida's cases had climbed exponentially.

Only 684 cases were reported on Nov. 26.

Twice week a CDC revises new daily cases in data provided by the state.


The state set a record for most deaths in one day: 424 on Aug. 27. Until the recent spike, the record was 242 on Aug. 4, 2020.

The record increase was 276 on Aug. 11 when the state was giving daily reports.

Until Friday's report 20 weeks ago, deaths had surpassed 2,000 four weeks in a row: 2,340 after 2,468, 2,448, 2,345.

The state listed 195deaths occurred in the past week with 210 the previous week and 433 19 weeks ago.

The CDC is now only reflecting the date of occurrence for cases and deaths rather than when reported to the Florida Department of Health. It can take several days or even weeks for the state to receive a report of a death.

The state has never listed increases on its since disbanded website and reports as media outlets, including WPTV, did the math each day.


All Florida counties' level of coronavirus transmission are listed as high, according to the CDC.

Every positivity rate in South Florida went down, except in Miami-Dade, which went from 10.5% to 11.2%. St. Lucie is the highest in the area at 15.6% with Bradford the highest at 26.1%. The lowest South Florida cunty is Broward at 9.3%. Two weeks ago five counties were above 40%.

Okeechobee County: 10,446 residents (95 new, 233 past week). First-time positivity in past week: 14.6% (previous week 26.2%, 2.1% eight weeks ago).

Broward County: Cases: 591,382 residents (7,478 new, 7,869 past week). First-time positivity in past week: 9.3% (previous week 11.3%, 6.9% eight weeks ago).
Miami-Dade County: 1,161.882 residents (19,976 new, 16,617 past week). First-daily positivity in past week: 11.2% (previous week 10.5%, 7.0% seight weeks

Palm Beach County: Cases: 359,416 residents (4,874 new, 5,793 past week). First-time positivity in past week: 11.1% (15.1% past week, 6.5% eight weeks ago).

St. Lucie County: Cases: 72,164 residents (1,021new, 1,595 past week). First-time positivity in past week: 15.6 (past week 22.0%, eight weeks ago 3.5%).

Martin County: Cases: 30,639 residents (396 new, 615 past week). First-time positivity in past week: 12.7% (16.5% previous week, seven weeks ago 3.8%).

Indian River County: Cases: 31,611residents (517new, 758 past week). First-time positivity in past week: 16.3% (previous week 20.2%, 3.4% eight weeks ago).


Florida has reported 52,781,075 tests through Feb. 4 with California No. 1 at 119,087,464. Some people have taken more than one test.

In one week, there were 593,512 tests, which is 84,787 daily. One week ago it was 779,604.

The daily record for tests was 275,583 on Jan. 3 with the most recent Jan. 28 at 81,245.

The state doesn't include test data in its weekly reports.


The state's mortality rate (cases vs. deaths) was 1.2% (no change) including 6.9% for 64 and older but less than 1% in younger ages except 1.8% for 60-64. It is 1.2% in the United States and 1.4% worldwide.

In deaths per million, Florida is 3,135 (18th in nation), U.S. 2,817, world 746.5. Mississippi is first at 3,884, Arizona second at 3,719, New Jersey third 3,639, Alabama fourth 3,570. New York, which had been second for most of the pandemic behind New Jersey, is now sixth at 3,435, behind Louisiana at 3,480.

Florida's deaths are 7.4% of the total in the U.S. total and 7.4% of the cases. The state comprises 6.6% of the U.S. population.

Since the first two cases were announced on March 1, 2020, Florida's total has surged to 26.7% of the state's 21.48 million population, eighth in cases per million behind No. 1 Rhode Island and No. 2 North Dakota. In cases per 100,000 for seven days, Florida is 17th among states at 479.9 (one week after 34th) with Alaska No. 1 at 1,230,6, Kentucky second at 944.7, Montana third at 917.4, West Virginia fourth at 870.8 Among territories, Palau is first at 3,562.1, Nortthern Mariana Islands second at 2,767,6, Guam third at 2,328.3.

On Friday, California reported a U..S.-high 22,947 cases, one week after 37,012, behind the national record 143,290 Jan. 11.

Texas gained 13,254 cases, after a record 75,917 Jan. 11, and is third at 6,436,773.

New York reported 4,754 cases Friday compared with the record 90,132 Jan. 8 and is fourth overall at 4,856,823

No states have set records in the past two weeks.

The U.S. overall reported 166,260 cases Thursday on week after 331,810 with the record 1,335,345 Jan. 10, according to the CDC.

World figures are also skyrocketing, including record 3,779,125 Jan. 20, according to

These are the records since the omicron spike: France 501,635, Brazil 286,050, Italy 228,179, Britain 218,724, Germany 247,128 (Thursday), Russia 203,949 (Friday),Netherlands 189,377 (Tuesday), Spain 161,688, Australia 153,968, Argentina 134,439, R Turkey 111,157, Japan 100,949, Israel 83,739, Mexico 60,552, Canada 55,350, Greece 50,126. India's 335,348 most recently is less than record 414,433 May 6, 2021.

California has the most deaths at 81,437, adding a daily-high 363 Friday with Texas second at 80,566 with an additional 256. New York gained 121 for a total of 66,397 in fourth.


The record low is 1,228 Nov. 29 with the highest 17,295 Aug. 29.

Of the 259 hospitals reporting, 10.6% of the available beds are occupied with coronavirus patients. The total beds in use: 49,102 (81.36%). The previous day the same number of hospitals reported.

In the U.S.. hospitalizations dropped to 93,169 (13.86%) after a record 160,113 Jan 20. Until the spike record was 142,315 on Jan. 14 last year. The high during the delta surge was 103,896 Sept. 1.

Florida is third in U.S. with covid hospitalizations with California first with 9,810 (14.82%), Texas second with 9,732 (14.38%). New York is fourth with 4,755 (10.06%).


In state vaccination data from the CDC, 89.0% of Florida's population 18 and older (0.2% increase in week) has had at least one dose (15,351,355) and 75.5% fully vaccinated (13,018,631). President Joe Biden had set a nationwide goal of 70% vaccinated by July 4 with at least one dose by adults and the current figure is 87.3%. Totally vaccinated is 74.5%. Boosters for those eligible 18 and older: 45.9%.

In addition, the CDC is now capping percentages at 95%.

Forty-eight states achieving the 70% standard are New Hampshire (95.0%), Massachusetts (95.0%), Connecticut (95.0%), Vermont (95.0%), Rhode Island (95.0%), New Jersey (95.0%), Maine (95.0%), New York (95.0%), Hawaii (95.0%), New Mexico (95.0%), Maryland (95.0%), North Carolina (95.0%), Virginia (94.9%), Pennsylvania (94.6), Delaware (93.0%), California (92.3%), Washington (90.5%), Florida (89.0%), Colorado (88.7%), South Dakota (88.6%), Oregon (86.4%), Nevada (86.1%), Kansas (86.0%), Illinois (85.5%), Utah (85.2%), Minnesota (84.7%), Oklahoma (83.6%), Texas (82.6%), Nebraska (81.4%), Arizona (81.3), Wisconsin (81.3%), Alaska (80.4%), Iowa (78.5%), South Carolina (77.3%), Arkansas (76.8%), North Dakota (76.7%), Kentucky (76.4%), Missouri (76.0%), Georgia (75.9%), Michigan (75.9%), Montana (74.3%), West Virginia (73.9%), Alabama (73.4%), Ohio (72.9%), Idaho (72.5%), Tennessee (71.`%), Louisiana (71.8%), Indiana (71.`%).

The two worst percentages: Wyoming 68.9%, Mississippi at 69.9%.

Also reaching the benchmark are Guam (95.0%), Republic of Pau (95.0%), District of Columbia (95.0%), Puerto Rico (95.0), American Samoa (95.0%), Northern Mariana Islands (95.0%), Virgin Islands (76.3%), Federated States of Micronesia (72.3%).

The CDC is now listing percentages for those 5 and older: In Florida one shot 16,680,250 (81.9%) and fully vaccinated 14,064,658 (69.2%) in Florida.

For those 12 and older in Florida, 87.`% had at least one dose (16,190,301) and the complete series is 73.8% (13,794,286).

For the total population, the percentage is 77.6% (16,668,424) and the complete series is 65.5% (14,066,377).

The state considers fully vaccinated two doses for Pfizer and Moderna and one for Johnson & Johnson.

In boosters, 40.0% of adults in Florida (5,211,693) and 45.9% in the United States (91,095,482) have been vaccinated.