

Enjoy the great outdoors, cooler temps

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WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Today is what we call sweater weather here in south Florida. Some of us may even be wearing heavy coats. Here  at Mounts Botanical Garden a stroll through the garden is probably more enjoyable without sweating, at least Barbara Clark seems to think so.

"I'm thoroughly enjoying it," said Clark. "The weather is so great to just sort of meander, stop, look, take pictures, enjoy it."

Clark is visiting from Lancaster, Pennsylvania and has a little advice for those who think it's too cold to be outside.

"I always say if you're a little bit chilly put on a jacket and come and enjoy it and you'll never be sorry that you did," Clark added.

If exotic trees, tropical fruit and flowers aren't your speed maybe a Segway tour of West Palm Beach is. When temperatures dip visitors and locals can tour West Palm Beach without worrying about sticky clothes.

"I think the weather is perfect, because you don't have to wear a sweater," said Boston visitor Kristen McMillen. "I just get to go out and have fun and I'm not sweating. It's nice and cool."

Our cooler temperatures are a welcome change for Kristen McMillen  who says a Segway tour in Boston this time of year is out of the question.

"No considering it's like 28 degrees, I think I'd pass," Kristen McMillen said.

Kristen and her sister Kayla McMillen are looking forward to feeling cool air whiz by as they take in local sites at 12.5 miles per hour.

"It's not too hot," Kayla McMillen said. "We're not gonna be sweating out there or anything, but I don't think it's that cold."