FORT PIERCE, Fla. — Dozens of residents in Fort Pierce made sure one woman's dog diagnosed with cancer was given a special farewell ride after a post on Facebook.
On Monday, Lorin Greene wrote in a public post that her dog, Connor, was recently diagnosed with cancer, which progressed quickly. Connor was scheduled to be euthanized the next morning.
In her post, she wrote in part: "Every night for three years Connor and his brother jump in the car for a drive through downtown and over to south island around the Jetty. This has been a great joy for him and he wags his tail constantly during the drive looking at the people out and about."
Greene said her dog's body is ravaged with cancer and he is at the end of his life, but not before one more drive.

In her post in the Fort Piece Connection group she said: "Here is the favor: if you're at Cobbs Landing tonight we'll be driving by a bit after 6:00PM heading over to the bridge to the island. If you are at the Jetty we will drive by Taco Dive and around that loop around 6:15PM before we head back home. Will you yell "Hi Connor" or come up to the car to give him a pat on the head if you see us? He'll be in his glory if he finally gets to meet someone on our drive and if you can get a picture of him looking out the car window I would be very, very grateful. I always wanted to get a video or a picture of this car ride and I guess I thought we had more time. We don’t."

People didn't only race to make it to those designated locations. They brought treats, made signs, and gave Connor lots of hugs.
Greene never imagined people would drop what they were doing to show love to Connor.
One woman explained she knew exactly what Greene was going through.
"I lost two not that long ago," she said. "Mine's on a day to day basis, so he's going to be going down soon too. We know what it feels like."
It won't be the biggest story of the day, just one about a family trying to get through a tough time made a little easier with the power of social media to create one more special memory.