

Prancer the 'demonic' Chihuahua gets adopted after foster owner's viral post

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MORRIS PLAINS, N.J. — A dog that made a distinct impression on his foster owner is proving there’s someone out there for everyone.

The world got to know Prancer the Chihuahua after the woman fostering him offered a brutally honest description of the dog in a viral Facebook post.

In her post, Tyfanee Fortuna described Prancer as “demonic.”

“Every day we live in the grips of the demonic Chihuahua hellscape he has created in our home. If you own a Chihuahua, you probably know what I’m talking about. He’s literally the Chihuahua meme that describes them as being 50% hate and 50% tremble,” wrote Fortuna.

Fortuna said Prancer “only likes women” and warned those with husbands not to bother applying to rescue him unless they hate their spouses. She said the dog also doesn’t like children, other pets or neighbors.

However, it seems Prancer is a product of his environment. Fortuna says the dog was obese when she started caring for him. She said he was owned by an elderly woman who treated him like a human and never socialized him.

“Sprinkle in a little genetic predisposition for being nervous, and you’ve concocted a neurotic mess, AKA Prancer,” she wrote.

It seems at least one person found the precocious dog charming, because on Monday, the Second Chance Pet Adoption League announced that Prancer has been adopted and he’s “adjusting wonderfully” with his new owner.

The adoption league credits Fortuna’s social media post. After it went viral, they say there were hundreds of inquiries and offers from around the world to adopt Prancer.

After sifting through emails and applications, the adoption league says it got in contact with a woman named Ariel who has no other pets, lives in a female-only home and is committed to giving Prancer the life he wants. She ended up taking him home and it seems things are going well.

“We are happy to report they are getting along great, and he’s been her constant companion and looks so happy and relaxed in all his photos,” said the adoption league.

Prancer’s adoption saga is over, but if you’d like to keep tabs on the little guy, his owner has created an Instagram page for him. His handle is @prancerthechihuahua.