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Dierks Bentley was performing on stage two hours before anyone knew it

Posted 4:02 PM, Jun 18, 2017
and last updated 5:54 PM, Jun 19, 2017

Last night at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheater there was a country music star-studded lineup that included; Jon Pardi, Cole Swindell, and Dierks Bentley. What wasn't on the official roster was a group called the "Bolo Boys Bluegrass Band." And performing with the group on stage, in plain sight, two hours and twenty minutes before his scheduled appearance was Dierks Bentley.  

Video captured from Diane Martin Slater.

Dierks sported large dark sunglasses and a cowboy hat to conceal his identity but as you can see in the photo above there he was at 6:45 pm.  He was jamming out playing bluegrass music to hundreds of unsuspecting fans who's numbers grew to over 14-thousand by the time Dierks officially took the stage at 9:05 pm.

What's weird is I've tried Googling the band to find the member's names and no results come up. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. The only reason I was taking photos of the band is that they sounded amazing (normally photographers only take pictures of the listed headliners). I've always had a little love of bluegrass music. One of my first jobs in broadcasting was running the control board for a little radio show called, "Bluegrass Express" on KYOO 1200 AM in Bolivar, Missouri.

UPDATE from a viewer: I read your article about Dierks performing "undercover" with the Bolo Boys. The other members of that band are the members of his regular band: Steve Misamore, Cassady Feasby, Dan Hochhalter, Ben Helson and Tim Sergent.

Pretty ingenious, if you ask me!! Leave it to Dierks to come up with that!! - Sherrie Shamon

After the Bolo Boys got off stage I noticed I received a text from music industry insider who said, "By the way, the band that's playing now. The guy in the white cowboy hat is Dierks... They do it every night." I started looking at my photographs I took and sure enough there he was. I didn't even notice and I was taking pictures of him!

You can see photos of all of the performers from last night in the galleries below plus tailgating pics.  Including "Bolo Boys Bluegrass Band."

Tailgate Photos

Dierks Bentley photos

Cole Swindell photos

Jon Pardi photos