LifestyleShining A Light


Everything Scrapbook & Stamps

The only scrapbooking store around
Everything Scrapbook & Stamps

WELLINGTON, Fla. — They've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty. They've got whozits and whatzits galore. "There's so many things here to choose from you can look at," said customer Debbie Iannotti.

You want thingamabobs? They've got twenty! "That's why we called Everything Scrapbook & Stamps, we have everything," said owner Michelle McCosh.

Everything Scrapbook & Stamps is a craft store that’s survived online shopping competition and the pandemic. It's the only scrapbooking store from here to Orlando. "[There] used to be quite a few of us but the internet, slowly caused the other stores to close," said McCosh.

It's a crafty community, "When people come here haven't met before, make something cool form friendships, and just feel great that they made something," McCosh said.

It's an attitude adjustment, "We've had people come in with a crappy day, can't remember. By the time they left why their day was so crappy, they just love it," said McCosh.

If you think you're not crafty, "Everybody's crafty. Sometimes you have to be shown how you're not born knowing how to drive a car, you have to have someone show you how to drive the car and then you have to practice," McCosh said. "We have great friendships that have formed here, like there's always a positive environment. So if you are not feeling so great, you're feeling isolated or alone, you don't have to feel that way anymore."

Everything Scrapbook & Stamps
11120 S Crown Way Suite 3-4
Wellington, FL 33414
(561) 432-5201