MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. — After a year of study, Martin County commissioners unanimously decided not to enact "quiet zones" around the county's 27 railroad crossings, citing potential safety impacts.
When Brightline began operations in the fall of 2023, the county wanted to take a year and give residents time to adjust to the high-speed train's presence before making a decision.
Supporters of quiet zones said it was a quality of life issue.
Opponents were concerned not just about safety, but also the cost of adding recommended improvements to train intersections.
"The trains will continue to routinely sound their horns, according to federal regulations, as they approach grade crossings or road crossings within Martin County," Matt Hammond, Martin County assistant county engineer, said.
Brightline is funding up to $1 million in additional safety fencing.
The city of Stuart, along with Jupiter, Tequesta and Palm Beach Gardens, are still looking at the possibility of establishing quiet zones.