

Rack Electric acquires Energized Electric, vows to complete unfinished generator installations

Owner of Rack Electric says he decided to buy Fort Pierce company after seeing Contact 5 report

BOCA RATON, Fla. — A Boca Raton electric company, Rack Electric, has acquired a Treasure Coast electric company that closed, leaving hundreds of customers without generators for which they paid thousands of dollars.

"I first saw your news article that aired and started to do some research," Jesse Rack, owner of Rack Electric, told Contact 5.

Rack is talking about Contact 5's series of stories about Energized Electric in Fort Pierce.

The company left hundreds of paying customers out thousands of dollars after they purchased generators they never received.

Energized Electric truck before company went bankrupt
Energized Electric closed, leaving hundreds of paying customers out thousands of dollars after they purchased generators they never received.

"No generator ever appeared and we've had a very difficult time communicating with the company," Annette Speach, an Energized Electric customer, told Contact 5 in November.

RELATED: Couple loses thousands after purchasing generator from Fort Pierce company | More customers call Contact 5 with complaints | GenerX Generators helps Energized Electric customer after company files for bankruptcy

"We're looking for a refund for the generator that we purchased and never received," Margaret Cabral, another Energized Electric customer, said in November.

That will soon change, because Rack told WPTV that Rack Electric has now acquired Energized Electric and is working to finish all 300 open jobs.

Jesse Rack, owner of Rack Electric, says he wanted to make things right for Energized Electric customers left without generators
Jesse Rack, owner of Boca Raton-based Rack Electric, tells Contact 5 consumer investigator Jessica Bruno he wanted to make things right for Energized Electric customers who were left without generators after paying for them.

"Kinda saw that they were sinking fast and on their way to bankruptcy and came up with a plan with my legal team to put a document together to purchase the company and come up with a plan to kind of save this whole deal," Rack said.

Rack told WPTV they've already installed 40 generators for Energized Electric customers.

"It was a little frustrating, because, you know, I actually knew some of these customers," Rack said. "They were in our CRM (customer relationship management software) that we didn't get the project. They were awarded to somebody else. So, you know, immediately I just felt that, 'What can we do to help these people? How can we contact them?'"

Jesse Rack, owner of Rack Electric, shows off generators going to former Energized Electric customers
Jesse Rack, owner of Rack Electric, shows off the generators going to former Energized Electric customers. Rack says they've already installed 40 generators.

Rack said his employees are excited to help all the people who've spent a lot of money hoping to keep their power on in emergency situations.

"To the customers, just be patient with us. You know, we're excited to meet you. We're excited to work with you," Rack said. "I firmly believe, with our experience and our staff, that we've got the power to fix this problem."

Contact 5 tried multiple times over several months to reach the owners of Energized Electric, but they never returned any calls or emails.

If you are a former customer of Energized Electric, you can email Rack Electric at