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Being 'insurance ready' for hurricane season

'Right now they should be reviewing their insurance policies,' Florida Insurance Consumer Advocate Tasha Carter says

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The start of hurricane season in the North Atlantic means it's time to look over the homeowners insurance policy.

"Right now they should be reviewing their insurance policies," said Florida Insurance Consumer Advocate Tasha Carter.

The most important parts to check, Carter said, involves checking coverage amounts and especially deductibles.

"Because they're responsible for that amount if in fact there is a claim that rises above current hurricane coverage," Carter said.

Experts also advise to take inventory on the contents of the home.

The predictions for this year are particularly serious according to forecasters.

Florida's Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis is not a big fan of the predictions, hinting they could affect rates.

"I detest those guys," Patronis said. "I think whenever you start scaring and creating a narrative that we're in a worst environment than ever before."

Weather experts though are basing their predictions on climate change with rising ocean temperatures.