NORTH PALM BEACH, Fla. — Amid the long backlog of homeowners waiting on the My Safe Florida Home program, there was Dawn Landes of North Palm Beach.
The popular state program provides free home inspections and grants of up to $10,000 to make repairs and improvements against storms.
"I couldn't help myself but to reach out to you to let you know I was one of those people who applied and was hoping to be approved," Landes said referring to the nearly six months she's been waiting.
That was two weeks ago, but she got some good news Thursday.

"This morning I got an email from the My Safe Florida Home program telling me my grant was approved," Landes said. "I'd like to thank you, Matt, for contacting My Safe Florida home on my behalf, and who knows, maybe that little push is what made this all happen."
NewsChannel 5 spoke with Landes earlier this month about her difficulty and took her information to Tallahassee.
The long line of backed-up applicants for the program has been frustrating, especially when the program ran out of money late last year.
"We had a special session last year just to pay the queue down, the waiting list down, but we still need more money," Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis said.

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Lawmakers are currently looking at putting $100 million into the program this year, but Patronis said he'd like to see $200 million.
Landes said with her now freed-up grant money, she'll be putting it into her roof.
"Obviously this is for my hurricane protection as well, but it's going to help me with the huge increase I received with my insurance," Landes said. "I'll take any discounts that I can get."
If you have any questions or issues with homeowners insurance, email WPTV reporter Matt Sczesny at