WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Lawmakers are taking a close look at how to re-fund the popular My Safe Florida Home program that provides grant money to homeowners to make hurricane safety improvements to their property, which often, in turn, lowers their insurance premiums.
The My Safe Florida Home program became so popular, it ran out of money.
As people continue to wait to see if their applications will be approved some Florida lawmakers now want seniors and low income homeowners get priority.
"There are so many seniors like myself who could use repairs on their home. And most of them don't know about it," Palm Beach County resident Cassandra Kinsey-Scott said.

Kinsey-Scott likes the idea of seniors getting priority to receive up to $10,000 to make hurricane safety improvements to their homes. Things like hardening windows, doors, and roof repairs.
"That's excellent. This is very much needed," Kinsey-Scott said.
Bills moving through the legislature would modify the popular home improvement program to give first priority to low income seniors over 60.
"What we did this time is we said, let's make sure we cover those who need the help the most," said Rep. Chip LaMarca, R-Lighthouse Point, who sponsored the House bill, providing more than $225 million for the program.
That's compared to the Senate version which allocates about $100 million.
As far as those still waiting on previous applications, LaMarca doesn't expect them to lose their place in line and said making the home modifications can lower insurance premiums.
"If you haven't made sure your home isn't going to see major damage because you didn't take care of it, then they are not going to be as likely to want to insure you," LaMarca said.
"I certainly know some people who I could refer to this program," Kinsey-Scott said.
Kinsey-Scott hopes once the money gets approved, the state will help educate homeowners that help is available.
"A lot of things get out, but people, regular people, don't hear about these programs," Kinsey-Scott said.
The My Safe Florida Home program is not accepting any more applications right now because the new funding in not in place yet. LaMarca expects that portal to reopen soon after the legislation passes and the governor signs it.