
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day at America's most haunted Irish pub


America's most-haunted pub was once a mortuary with embalming and crematorium rooms.

Between 1903 to 1923, the Butterworth & Sons mortuary was described as, “The city’s first place for comprehensive death-related services from corpse retrieval to coffin sales.” In other words, it was the Walmart of death.

Today it's Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub in Seattle, Washington.

As the mortuary, it was no stranger to handling tragic and sometimes violent deaths, many of the bodies they prepared were victims of mining accidents, drownings, diphtheria, horrible sanitation, and of course the everyday violence of early 1900s Seattle. So after 20 years of death, it’s no surprise that the building has developed quite the paranormal reputation.

As soon as the restaurant opened, owners, staff, and patrons began experiencing strange, unexplainable things that, over the years, have become a daily occurrence. It’s not uncommon for glasses to slide across the bar and smash onto the floor, or for guests to hear mysterious footsteps and see dark shadows from the corner of the room.

Some of the most famous ghosts that are said to haunt Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub include the sprit of the Tall Man, described as having very long thin hands, and who disappears right before your eyes. Another famous spirit is a little girl, often spotted sitting quietly at the top of a staircase. No one know who or what she’s waiting for, and when you turn to ask she’s it's already too late because she's gone.

Probably the most famous ghost at Kells Irish Pub is named "Charlie". Even in death it seems he's still a fan of live music, because he's been seen by countless people wearing an “old-timey” hat and long black coat, and hanging about the bar and stage. More often than not, it’s the musicians who see his familiar dark shadows.

There are two other Kells located along the West Coast, and though they might not have a cast of ghosts, they do host some pretty badass St. Patrick’s Day events. For instance every Paddy's Day, the Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub in Portland hosts the Kells Boxing Smoker, an amateur boxing event that pits people mano-a-mano in a knock-down match for biggest badass bragging rights. Aw yeah!

If boxing isn’t really your thing, don’t worry each location hosts the Kells Irish Festival, the largest St. Patrick’s Day fest in the Northwest. They’ll be plenty of fiddlers, dancing, authentic Irish food, and beer to go round!

So as they say at Kells Irish Pub, this Saint Patrick’s Day, “If you can’t go to Ireland, come to Kells.