

Palm Beach County slowly returning to business

“I’m a two-time cancer survivor so I survived that...I’m not going to die from the coronavirus.”
and last updated

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. - Many businesses have reopened their doors in Palm Beach County, and for some people, it’s the first trip outside their home in weeks.

At Sheer’s in Palm Beach Gardens, Toni Palaia has been a bit apprehensive about leaving home, but she decided to venture out after waiting seven weeks to get her hair done.

“I was about to let my sister cut my hair and Lee said no, don’t. I’m going to open,” Toni joked.

Sheer’s reopened Tuesday with cleaning products lining the counters and clients staggered so no more than eight people are inside the salon at a time.


“Personally, I know how Lee is so I had no apprehensions about coming here but I won’t go to Costco, I won’t go to the big box stores,” Toni said.

Further south, at the Old Key Lime House in Lantana, customers are sitting every other table, and they’re stepping out again to support area restaurants and breathe in fresh air.

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SPECIAL COVERAGE: Coronavirus | We're Open South Florida

“Fifty-five days inside was a bit much but we feel confident about everything that’s been going on we take out our precautions as well,” said Lisa Franklin.

For Shalene LaConte, it was the first stop after adopting a new puppy.

“Fell in love about a week ago...he’s four months old today need a little baby and we have the perfect bonding,” LaConte said.

But many like Toni still have worries. She’s 72 with a compromised immune system, so she’s taking her own extra precautions to stay safe, and even spraying her money down with Lysol.

“I’m a two-time cancer survivor so I survived that...I’m not going to die from the coronavirus,” Toni said!

Toni is just hoping everyone follows her lead, and continues to take the virus seriously.