

Riviera Beach preparing economically for pandemic end

Businesses throughout Riviera Beach have either shut down or altered their services.
and last updated

RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. — Das Craft Beer and Pizza opened up just over a year ago at the Ocean Walk Mall in Riviera Beach.

"We opened pretty strong, business was great from the beginning," Tiffani Whiteleather said.

Whiteleather says when COVID-19 hit they closed for about a week to come up with a plan to serve the community.

The restaurant set up a station at the front door and partnered with delivery services.

"I couldn't put a percentage on it, but it has definitely slowed as everyone across the plaza is feeling," she said.

Businesses throughout Riviera Beach have either shut down or altered their services.

RELATED: More coronavirus coverage

City Manager Jonathan Evans says it's unclear how long things will stay this way so the city has put together an economic recovery plan outline.

"We know that our business community is hurting, that they are looking for ways to continue to operate under this new norm," Evans said.

The plan involves six categories ranging from health and human services, hospitality, tourism to assistance for small and medium businesses. Each council member will choose one and work with the city staff. They will help with policy recommendations, even monetarily, to guide the community back from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"They will report back to the elected body and the community how we helped to facilitate this economic recovery," he said.

The city says all but one of their revenue streams declined prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and that was property taxes.

Whiteleather says the assistance would be appreciated.

"I think it's great that the town is getting together and coming up with a plan and getting ready for when we open up for normal business," she said.