

Staying safe in a era of mass shootings


PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — The recent mass shootings this Thanksgiving week can make many feel uneasy at a time when gathering and mingling can be at its height.

“The biggest thing is situational awareness,” said West Palm Beach Police Sgt. Steve Mooney.

“Head on a swivel always looking around looking for threats at any corner,” he said.

Personal protection in public places many times starts with awareness of surroundings and trusting instincts.

“I’m always looking around,” Sgt. Mooney said. “I’m looking for any kind of threat, I’m looking for exits, a strategy point, having that mindset if something does happen at least I know where I’m going to go.”

Experts over the last several years have also taught the theory of Run, Hide, Fight for those caught in the midst of a mass shooting.

And among those three options, Sgt. Mooney said one stands out to him.

“The safest thing to do is run, don’t try to fight unless you’re mentally prepared unless you trained and you’re ready to actually neutralize the threat,” he said.