
Floridians taking challenges in stride

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WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — More than 11 million people voted in Florida, but the race for president is yet to be decided. The election wait across the nation is heavy on political rhetoric and brings unnerving moments for both sides.

It comes as we're still navigating through a pandemic. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the U.S. and in Florida.

"It kind of drags everyone down that they can't really do what they love and enjoy," Shawn Wemyss said.

The third ingredient in an anxious week, the tropics. So much attention is on ETA and its potential move towards South Florida just days away. It's a week only 2020 could bring.

But if you ask any hardened Floridian how they're dealing with it all, they're taking it in stride.

"I feel great. I mean, life is great, you live and you live on," Patrice Delancy said.

It appears it's all about the attitude and no matter what's going in this world you've got to be happy.