WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Alex Nsengimana was born in Rwanda. Genocide swept through his country. He lost his family and, after fleeing gunmen, he ended up in an orphanage.
"When I was 7 years old, I was living in an orphanage when I got to receive an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift," Nsengimana said.
He said that the shoebox gave him hope.
"In that orphanage, I lost all hope and 250 of us — all of us — received the shoeboxes," Nsengimana recalled. "It was such an exciting day when all of us got to open our presents. I remember seeing school supplies, hygiene items and toys — all these fun items that reminded me to be a boy again."

The shoeboxes are part of Operation Christmas Child. Nsengimana said getting a shoebox let him know someone cares. He said it also grew his faith in God.
"During the time we were running, God was doing those miracles to protect us. In a matter of three months during that genocide ... a million people were killed and over 400,000 orphans were left in the country."
Years later he joined a children's choir and ended up performing in the U.S.
"I met a family who later on adopted me into their family and I grew up in Minnesota," Nsengimana said. "While I was in Minnesota, God has (a) sense of humor. I went to the coldest part of the country."
He got involved with Operation Chrismas Child, packing shoeboxes then realizing years earlier he was the recipient of a shoebox.
"When I was in high school, the student council wanted to figure out how to get involved. And they said, 'Let's do Operation Christmas Child.' And I asked them, 'What is Operation Christmas Child?'" Nsengimana recalled. "And they showed me the logo and I remember that airplane really well, the logo. And I remember, it took me back to when I received that shoebox gift, and it took me back to when I got my favorite item, which was a hair comb — a hair comb that I kept for three years."

Nsengimana said the shoebox shows that the children are cared for.
"This is a presentation of God's love in a very tangible way, and that shoebox carries that powerful message of Christ. (It communicates) that you matter, that you are loved."