They say heroes come in all shapes and sizes. If so you can't miss Jeffros Heroes. Five times a month they storm their way into hospital rooms or just about anywhere that needs a smile.
"No kid should ever spend Christmas in the hospital," says Jeff Ritter.
Jeffros Heroes began four years ago by Ritter. He realized Palm Beach County needed a little more positive energy and so he suited up.
"My mom always taught me to help others and to treat others how I'd like to be treated."
He has the help of a few buddies on this day as they roam the halls of Palm Beach Children’s Hospital. This cast of characters shines a light on every face they meet. Some for the first time, some for the last time.
"It's hard when I leave and it all sinks in, here we're having fun and then I get home and it sinks in and makes you tear up sometimes," says Ritter.
One thing they all have in common is the that they are fathers. Every time they brighten a young face they're reminded that life is precious and a blessing.
"The smile on her face lit up the whole room, we go in and ask for a smile, who is going to say no," says Ralph Avallone who dresses as Captain America.
Jeffros Heroes drops everything at moment notice and come when called upon. When they arrive it's far more than just presenting presents. Each visit brings a gift of hope. Sometimes that stretches where it's needed most with parents.
"Our focus is simple. We inspire people through kindness," says Ritter.
What a wonderful message at a time when the world could use a few more real life superheroes. Luckily they are here, not just in time for Christmas but to stay year round. That's just what the doctor ordered.
If you would like to help Jeffros Heroes Gofundme page click here: