
Delray Beach comes alive with Pride

Families, members of LGBTQ+ community gather in celebration Saturday

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. — Members of the LGBTQ+ community displayed their colors at Delray Beach's Pride celebration Saturday.

"We're having a great time," said Erica Lutters, who attended the Delray Beach Pride event with her wife and friends. "It's just nice to see that people are not judgmental and hateful, and we're just having so much fun."

The event welcomed people of all ages, including families with children like allies Dahlia Nayman and her 3-year-old son.

"Really, it's to show people that they have support, that they have allies, and one day we'll show him these pictures and he'll know that he was supporting Pride from a young age," said Nayman.

Dahlia Nayman and her 3-year-old son attend Delray Beach Pride event, June 11, 2022
Dahlia Nayman and her 3-year-old son show their support at Delray Beach's Pride celebration, June 11, 2022.

This comes as state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, R-Howey-in-the-Hills, is proposing legislation that would charge a parent with a felony and possibly strip them of parental rights if they take their child to drag shows.

For drag queen Shelita Taylor, representation is important and children are her motivation after growing up in a conservative town.

"It started off at schools, you know, with them starting to censor LGBTQ+ conversations in schools, and now they're even trying to come after drag shows, and all we're trying to do is spread love," said Taylor. "If I can tell any kid like I did on stage today that life does get does better, you're going to have to fight, you're going to need to stay strong, you're going to need to be true to who you are, but life will get better."

Someone wears 'Love is Love' hat in Delray Beach for Pride event, June 11, 2022
An attendee at Delray Beach's Pride event wears a "Love is Love" hat with the colors of the LGBTQ+ community, June 11, 2022.

Like early rain, people are hopeful for clearer skies in the LGBTQ+ community and more inclusive legislation for future generations.

"I look forward to having kids and for them not being judged for who they are, no matter what they are or who they become," said Lutters.

Law enforcement also told WPTV they increased security after the threat made last week at the West Palm Beach "Pride on the Block" event.