

Recent shooting is first for 5 PBSO deputies


For the five Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputies who pulled the trigger on 48-year-old career criminal James Goad two weeks ago, personnel records reveal it was each deputy's first on-duty shooting since joining the ranks of PBSO.

According to agency background files, Deputy Autumn Pritchard Krick just came on board.

A former Broward County Sheriff's deputy and forensic sketch artist, 29-year old Krick moved north to PBSO in August to be closer to home.

While 40-year old Adnan Raja is coming up on two years with the agency after records show his first attempt at getting hired with the agency in '08 went nowhere.  

According to his background records, an investigator recommended his application stop being processed after it was found Raja omitted details on his application. According to records reviewed by the Contact 5 Investigators, Raja "denied owning a business or having any business licenses issued."  

But the background investigator found Raja was listed as the owner of a business with his younger brother, Nouman Raja.  

Nouman Raja is currently facing national scrutiny after the former Palm Beach Gardens police officer shot and killed local church drummer, Corey Jones while on duty.  

Before Adnan Raja was hired by PBSO in April, 2014 he spent 6 years with the Riviera Beach Police Department as a detective.  

While there he was reprimanded two times.  In 2009 he received a written reprimand for not getting a side security job approved by the Chief.  

The same year, he was reprimanded after shooting himself in the wrist while trying to unload his gun at home. 

At 42-years old Deputy James Patrick Barca, a former Jupiter Police officer is the oldest of the 5 deputies involved in PBSO's 3rd shooting of 2015.

While at 25-years-old deputies Garrett Bechtel and Robert Zajicek III are the youngest.  They're also the sons of sworn PBSO officers.

Both have several commendations in their files and the most complaints of the group.

Internal files on deputies Bechtel an Zajicek show some of the accusations include being rude and driving recklessly but most all the complaints were unsubstantiated.

PBSO has disciplined two of these deputies, Barca and Zajicek.  They were each slapped on the wrist for hitting a mailbox in their patrol cars.

In 2013, Deputy Zajicek also received a written reprimand for improper conduct after tearing up a grocery store employee's driver's license while responding to a store alarm call.

All five deputies remain on paid leave, which is protocol after a shooting.  

Meantime, the man they shot, James Goad, is in the Palm Beach County jail where he is facing a number of charges including aggravated assault on an officer and robbery with a firearm.