

Dad formally rejects 6-year-old son's $20 loan


Dads: They're great for teaching you to throw a ball, ride a bike and a handful of other life lessons. Including financial responsibility.

And apparently for this dad, it's better to start the lessons while they're young. When his 6-year-old son asked for an advance on his allowance to buy a new toy, this was his response.

The dad printed up a denial letter and gave it to the boy. The letter includes a letterhead with the tag line "because apparently I look like I'm made of money" and explains how "insufficient funds and a history of not doing your chores" can come back to bite you.

A picture of the rejection letter was posted on Reddit, and based on the comments, we aren't the only ones giving this clever dad some major props.

We should note, the letter did give the boy a way to "refute the decision." The CEO of "DAD Savings and Loan" said appeals can be made by calling Mom.