

Man receives hilarious note after losing wallet


(WNBC, NBC NEWSCHANNEL) A New York City man, who lost his wallet, was surprised when the person who found it returned, well -- almost everything.

Reilly Flaherty lost his wallet at concert in Brooklyn a few weeks ago.

He assumed all his cash, credit cards, subway pass, and ID were gone for good.

So, Flaherty went through the hassle of replacing the credit cards and his driver’s license.

Then, two weeks later, he received an envelope from an anonymous good Samaritan who returned his license and credit cards.

However, the envelope also included a note explaining why Flaherty's other items were not returned.

It read in-part: “I kept the cash because I needed weed, the MetroCard because, well, the fare's $2.75 now, and the wallet 'cause it's kinda cool."

Flaherty got a kick out of the whole thing . . . Posting the letter to Instagram. "The note was basically . . . I'm a good guy, but I'm also kind of giving you the middle finger, and I'm keeping everything that has any currency behind it,” Flaherty said. He added, “This is something my friends and I have laughed about quite a bit."

The concert hall where Flaherty lost his wallet caught wind of what happened, and offered him tickets to an upcoming show.

They recommended he keep his wallet at home.


thanks.. I think?

A photo posted by reilly flaherty (@reillyflaherty) on