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Narcan reportedly saves dog's life

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MAINEVILLE, OH.-- A drug meant to save people from overdosing reportedly rescued a puppy in southwestern Ohio.

12-week-old Kash, cute as can be, knows how to sit, stay, and come and is currently working on down.

The yellow lab terrier mix is happy and healthy, playing with new friends at an animal sanctuary near Cincinnati.

Myles Ahead Animal Sanctuary and Rescue Director Janel Hemrick received a call last week from another rescuer, that the puppy needed help. "This puppy had come from a house that there's known drug activity at, and that they had used Narcan to revive him which is then how the puppy got to her which is then how the puppy then got to me."

Hemrick said the vet told her there appears to be no long-term effects from his alleged exposure. "He's healthy, he's just a little puppy that was in a situation that he probably got himself into trouble with, as far as you know, we can tell," Hemrick told WLWT.

Kash is now ready for adoption and getting lots of interest on social media.

Narcan is typically used by emergency first responders to treat opioid overdoses.

The exact details of what happened to Kash are not known.