
YouTube couple suffers miscarriage days after husband surprised wife with pregnancy announcement

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Just days after a Texas man surprised his wife with a sneaky pregnancy test - and the couple shared their joy with the world - the high school sweethearts lost the baby.

Texas couple Sam and Nia regularly post videos about marriage and parenting to their YouTube channel.
On August 5, Sam posted a video with the caption "That's right, for the first time ever daddy announces the pregnancy to mommy!"

Sam said he had a feeling his wife was pregnant after she told him her period was late. He got a pregnancy test and dipped it in the toilet after she didn't flush.

In the video, Sam surprised Nia and their two young daughters with the positive pregnancy test. Nearly 11 million people watched the video on YouTube and it made news across the country and around the world.

But three days later, the couple posted a heartbreaking update titled "Our Baby Had A Heartbeat."

Sam starts the video by saying, "I told Nia, God's ready to use us in a huge way."

"We were so overjoyed… and it hit us just like a bomb," Nia cries. "Those of you who have experienced a miscarriage before… I… I can relate now.  I have felt my womb empty out. I never ever, ever knew that women felt that way."

"I stood up and I felt empty," Nia said.

The couple posted this emotional statement encouraging others who are suffering with the loss of a pregnancy to contact them:

"The emptiness and heartache that comes with a miscarriage came as a total shock and we are coping with this, but wanted to include you. There is a stigma regarding miscarriage that says we need to be alone in it and keep it private, but what happened is nothing less than losing a baby. The hurt and pain is real. It's something that needs to be talked about and something that requires support from friends and family. If you would like to talk with me regarding miscarriage email me at please keep these emails strictly about the topic due to the sensitivity of it all and how raw my heart is at the moment."

You can watch their previous video, "HUSBAND SHOCKS WIFE WITH PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENT!" here: