

Missing twin girls found, officials say

Posted 2:36 AM, Dec 02, 2015
UPDATE: Officials say the mother of the twins returned them voluntarily after seeing the news.
Hillsborough County detectives have issued a missing child alert for twin three-year-old girls.
Juliette and Rosemary Vona have not been seen for more than two weeks.
Detectives and family members believe their mother and her parents took off after their girls' father, Eric Vona, was awarded full custody.
Mary is believed to be driving a 2011 Blue Honda Odyssey with a Florida Tag 728-TTC.
"I'm very concerned.  I haven't seen my grandkids now in two weeks," said Lonnie Vona, the twins' grandfather.
Lonnie Vona said he recently learned Eric and Mary Vona, 20, were having marital problems.
According to family, Eric was so concerned for the girls' safety that he got an emergency court order in which a judge awarded him custody.  When deputies went to serve that order, the twins, Mary and her parents -- Karen and Brian Flaherty of Pinellas County -- were nowhere to be found.
"They all just disappeared. None of their phones are being answered. They weren't at the apartment. At that point in time, we didn't know where they were," said Lonnie.
The family has scoured Facebook pages of Mary, Karen and Brian hoping for clues.
"Mary's the one who is running from the law and the law's eventually going to catch her. If she knows what's good for her, she'll come up and settle this issue the right way," said Lonnie.
The Vonas are scheduled to have a custody hearing in Plant City on Dec. 9.
Police are extending their search to Massachusetts where the Flahertys have relatives.
If you have seen the twins, you're asked to call the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office at 813-247-8200.



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