

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students prepare for DC march

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Right now, thousands of students, parents, and teachers are en route to our nations capital for the "March for Our Lives."

FULL COVERAGE: Parkland school shooting | BLOG: Live coverage from D.C. | Local 'March for Our Lives' events

It's a weekend many of those young activists have been waiting for.

Senior Noah Damiani wrote a letter to give to Congress.

"Saying to them, this is a re-occuring issue," said Damiani.

He's pushing for stricter gun control like so many of his fellow students.

"Even if the march itself doesn't do anything, it will show there is a lot of support," said Damiani.

Alexander Goodchild is a senior as well. Saturday he will march for the friends he lost. He will march for change, and he will march for never again.

"Usually when you think about the younger kids, we're not known for going out and voting and going out and doing all these things. The march symbolizes a change," said Goodchild.

The next step in this movement.