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Company spends $29M to fund every classroom request on

Posted 5:45 PM, Mar 28, 2018

There were more than 35,600 requests from 28,200 public school teachers in every state on the crowdfunding website — until now.

The website that allows folks to seek donations to fund projects announced a company called Ripple, a global network that supports digital money transactions, donated $29 million to fund every classroom project request on the crowdfunding platform.

The gift represents the largest donation received by in its 18-year history, according to a news release. "Ripple and its executives contributed the donation in XRP, which was converted to U.S. dollars and used to purchase the classroom materials," the release said.

"The Ripple team's donation provides the ultimate culmination of #BestSchoolDay, a campaign launched in March 2016 when 58 athletes, artists, entrepreneurs and philanthropists funded classroom requests in cities and states covering just under half of the country," the release said. "For a limited time, as teachers generate new classroom project requests on the site, will offer donors the option of giving to the #BestSchoolDay Fund, which will be used to support projects from teachers creating their first requests on the site.

" estimates that teachers will submit at least another 135,000 classroom project requests between now and the start of the next school year," the release states.