

Councilwoman rescinds resignation over tree


ROSELLE PARK, N.J. (AP) — A New Jersey councilwoman who quit after colleagues voted to add the word "Christmas" to the name of the town's tree-lighting ceremony has rescinded her resignation.

Minutes after the Roselle Park council approved the change Thursday night, Charlene Storey walked out of the meeting. She submitted a resignation letter, saying the borough's decision to change the ceremony's name from a "tree lighting" to a "Christmas tree lighting" favors one religion and "cuts non-Christians out of the loop."

According to, Mayor Carl Hokanson reached out to Storey. He says the outcome was Storey rescinding her resignation and the creation of a committee on diversity that she will lead.

Friday's event will continue to be called a "Christmas tree lighting." Storey won't attend.

She was raised Catholic but describes herself as a non-believer.