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Roy Moore accuser: 'I wonder how many me's he doesn't know'


One of the women accusing Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual misconduct when she was in her teens is calling him out on his denials.

After Leigh Corfman told The Washington Post that Moore molested her when she was 14 and he was in his 30s, Moore claimed that he didn't know her.

"I wonder how many me's he doesn't know," Corfman responded on NBC's "Today" Monday morning.



Moore has continually denied allegations from a number of women who have come forward accusing him of sexual assault and misconduct.

"They're not only untrue, but they have no evidence to support them," Moore said in Birmingham, Alabama on Friday.

On "Today," Corfman described two encounters with Moore, who brought her to his home.

"I wouldn't exactly call it a date. It was a meet. At 14, I was not dating. At 14, I was not able to make those kind of choices," she said.

On a second "meet," Corfman said Moore "laid out some blankets on the floor of his living room and proceeded to seduce" her, touching her inappropriately and eventually trying to get her to touch him.

Corfman said she spoke with family and friends years before speaking to the Post. Between 2000 and 2001, she approached her children about possibly confronting Moore about the incident. She said, "they were afraid that, with all of their social connections that they would be castigated from their groups."

The politics and money at stake for Moore's accusers has been called into question by his defenders, but Corfman said her decision to come forward has cost her money with her having to take time off from work.

"I've voted as a Republican for years and years and years," she later added. "But this isn't political for me. This is personal."

Moore has lost the confidence of many Republicans in the Senate, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who says he'll work to expel Moore from the chamber if elected.

President Donald Trump has not weighed in on Moore in the five days since returning from his Asia trip.

In an interview with ABC on Sunday, White House Legislative Affairs Director, Marc Short would not say if the President believed Moore's accusers but added: "If he did not believe that the women's accusations were credible, he would be down campaigning for Roy Moore."

But on "Fox & Friends" Monday morning, Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway suggested that the media is feigning outrage against Moore to curry favor for his Democratic opponent Doug Jones, whom she called "a doctrinaire liberal, which is why ... the media are trying to boost him."

Asked if Alabamians should vote for Moore instead, she brought up more Democrats.

"If the media were really concerned about all of these allegations, and if that's what this is truly about, and the Democrats, Al Franken would be on the ash heap of bygone half funny comedians," she said. "He wouldn't be here on Capitol Hill. He still has his job. What's Bob Menendez doing back here?"