

Cruz state dir. makes crude comparison of Trump

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CNN Newsource - A surrogate for Senator Ted Cruz took his comparison of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to a new, crude low on Tuesday.

The New Jersey state director for the Cruz campaign was discussing the race with CNN’s Kate Boulduan when he gave his opinion.

“Ted Cruz will do very well tonight. He will out-perform expectations like he always does. I don't believe the conservative base of this party is ready to throw everything over to Donald Trump. In essence, we're not going to nominate Hillary Clinton with a penis,”  Steven Lonegan said live on air.

Bolduan, clearly caught off guard, paused for a long — very long and awkward — three seconds. ”Steve,” she says in a motherly tone of disappointment.

“I said it,” the state director boldly says.

“Steve,” Bolduan says again as she attempts to change the subject by bringing another guest into the conversation.

“Steve is now in time out,” the host goes on to say.

Lonegan is a former mayor of Bogota, in Bergen County, N.J. who previously ran an unsuccessful campaign for governor, CNN reported.

The Cruz campaign and its surrogates are increasingly trying to paint Trump as a New York liberal in the mold of Hillary Clinton. They have ratcheted up their arguments against Trump in recent days as polls show the real estate mogul leading in Indiana ahead of Tuesday's primary.