

Video shows Tulsa man had hands up before police shooting


TULSA, Okla. (AP) -- A video from a Tulsa, Oklahoma, police vehicle shows Terence Crutcher walking toward his SUV with his hands up and a female officer following behind him.

The vehicle is stopped in the middle of the road. As Crutcher approaches the SUV, three male officers walk up and Crutcher appears to lower his hands and reach down and place them on the vehicle. The officers surround him, making it harder to see his actions from the police dashboard camera's angle.

Crutcher can be seen dropping to the ground. Someone on the police radio says, "I think he may have just been Tasered." One of the officers near Crutcher backs up slightly.

Then almost immediately, someone can be heard saying, "Shots fired." Crutcher's head then drops, leaving him lying completely out in the street.

After that a voice can be heard on the police radio saying, "Shots fired. We have one suspect down."