A third PBSO deputy, Ignacio “Dan” Diaz, died on Monday, after last week’s tragic crash on Southern Boulevard.
Alex Fernandez said he’s known Diaz for 10-15 years, and describes his friend as a loving, joyful person who was passionate about helping others.
Diaz leaves behind a grown daughter, and others who Fernandez says will miss him dearly.

Region C Palm Beach County
TRAGIC: 3rd Palm Beach Co. deputy passes away after devastating wreck
"Just... You're heartbroken because our world, our city just lost an absolutely amazing, amazing person,” Fernandez said.
WPTV’s Jamie Ostroff asked Fernandez how the community can best honor Deputy Diaz.
He said Diaz was a big guy who loved to give hugs. So the way to honor him would be to hug your loved ones close tonight.
A friend of Diaz remembers him as sincere, joyful and full of integrity.
“It’s just, heart-wrenching. I know he’s a family man. I’m a family man and he’s working hard to provide for his family and provide great service to the community," stated Hector Allan Rivera.
Rivera, an attorney, worked with Deputy Diaz in court. He says despite representing opposite parties, he built a friendship with Diaz over the years.
“When we were done with a case, what really struck me was that he can just switch right back to that good soul that he was and ask about my family and my kids and my wife.”
A memorial service for all three deputies takes place on Dec. 3.