PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Memorial Day, is observed Monday and Tuesday of this week to commemorate the approximately 11 million people, including 6 million Jews, who died at the hands of Nazis during World War 2.
A fight against hate, and part of the reason Linda Posner helped organize a, “Standing up to Anti-Semitism in South Florida and Beyond,” event in her neighborhood this week.
The timeliness also coincides with a rise in antisemitic flyers and messages distributed throughout the South Florida community, most recently Monday morning in Lake Park and Riviera Beach.
“It saddens me greatly and yes, this is widespread,” Posner said. “Unfortunately Chris, this is not limited to just Florida. “
No matter where it is, neighbors WPTV found today feel just as strong.

“I don’t like it,” said Palm Beach County Resident, John Packer. “I have kids here, they pick it up, and you know, I just don’t like it. Bad news.”
Already this year WPTV has seen antisemitic flyers in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Boca Raton and now Lake Park and Riviera Beach.
“Those are words that I would never use. Hate. Not in a family way or in an outsider way," said Packer. "It’s not a word I would have them use. It’s just nasty, there’s not another word for that.”
We’re not showing all of the images on the flyers tossed in driveways but they did include a bold message to stop HB 269— a legislative initiative to criminalize antisemitism and other acts of hate in the state.

“This is not to stop our first amendment right, just the way, we don’t shout fire in a crowded theater," said Posner. "We shouldn’t promote hate among our people."
The bill introduced by Delray Beach Republican Representative Mike Caruso would make projecting racist images on buildings without permission or harassing someone, because of their religious clothing a possible felony.
“And that’s the reason that House Bill 269 is so important, because it will make hate crimes a felony offense something that can be punishable," Posner said. "The whole idea is for us to live together with peace and respect.”
A legislative fight against hate and the haters are taking notice.