NewsPalm Beach County


Undocumented migrant accused of molesting 5-year-old in her own home

WPTV reporter Kayla McDermott digs into claims an undocumented migrant abused the child on 2 separate occasions

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — We are digging into a disturbing case of alleged child abuse against a 5-year-old girl in Palm Beach County.

The child claims an undocumented migrant abused her two separate times in her own home.

Nicolas Jose Francisco appeared before a judge Friday morning.

He is accused of sexually abusing the child and in an arrest report, deputies said Francisco had been working for the girl's family for more than a year.

Francisco told investigators during that time he gained their trust, including the young girl's, who accused Francisco of molesting her in the garage and again in the bathroom.

Senior Director of Strategic impact for the Center of Child Counseling, Jibby Ciric, acknowledged,"in sexual abuse cases, in many cases, it's the people that the child knows."

In the report, as she sobbed to a case worker, the child said on both occasions Francisco either led or took her into the rooms, fully exposed himself and then touched her inappropriately.

"We deal with that in unfortunately many instances," said Ciric.

When interviewed, deputies said Francisco told them the allegations are false and said the family was only making the claims, because he "was an undocumented immigrant."

Then said while in the garage and bathroom he touched the girl "by mistake both times."

He claimed he was trying to help the child go to the bathroom and investigators made a note that there was no bathroom anywhere in the garage.

"They often try to normalize and diminish the effects of what they have done," said Ciric with regard to Francisco's reasoning.

According to the report, Francisco later "apologized and admitted his behavior and actions were wrong."

He is facing two counts of sexual battery of a child under 12. Following his appearance in court a judge decided to not grant Francisco bond.

While speaking on this case, Ciric stressed the importance of prevention. She advises families to talk with their children and make sure they understand what is considered to be inappropriate, as well as for parents to be vigilant of anyone near their children.

For families wanting to learn how to protect their children from sexual abuse she said the Center of Child Counseling offers an in depth program called Stay KidSafe! You can register for the program here.