ST. LUCIE COUNTY, Fla. — St. Lucie County has seen a boom in its population size, meaning more voters this election cycle than the previous one.
WPTV's Kayla McDermott is there to see what is different for people voting in 2024 versus four years ago.
According to St. Lucie County's Supervisor of Elections, there are nearly 20,000 more registered voters here for this election compared to our last presidential race.
But even though there are more voters due to a population spike of at least 50,000 people moving to the area since 2020, according to World Population Review, there are fewer polling locations.

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Four years ago, the county’s Supervisor of Elections had set up 64 precincts for people to cast their ballots.
This year, the county has a total of 61 precincts listed on its website.
WPTV asked the Supervisor of Elections why there are fewer precincts this year — I was told the supervisor was not available.
But Kinaya Tommy Scott, who volunteered as poll worker leading up to the election, said aside from the number of precincts she hasn't seen any other changes.

"It looks just about the same," she said.
"Even though there’s almost 20,000 more voters this year?" asked McDermott.
"Yes, I'm glad. Not a problem at all. Easy, smooth," she said.
The Supervisor of Elections also says that at least 70% of all the registered voters here have already voted and officials tell me so far they have not run into any problems.