PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — A Donald Trump rally held at Madison Square Garden in New York City on Sunday is getting pushback from Democrats and Republicans after a comedian for the event took his jokes too far.
The comedian Tony Hinchcliffe is known for his vulgar comedy style and made jokes that didn't land about immigrants, calling Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage among other disparaging remarks.
"I think it was a big mistake to allow the comedian to go on and say this," said Rolando Barrero.
He's the president of the Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida.
"Whats your message to the Latino community now?" asked WPTV's Joel Lopez.
"Don't let anyone intimidate you," said Barrero.
Barrero called for an online press conference with Florida leaders on Monday to talk safety for Latinos following the remarks.
"The reason for it was to let them know to be careful, to document everything," said Barrero. "There is always that possibility, we need to be prepared for it."
The online event had leaders throughout the state of Florida, denouncing the comedian, including Democratic congresswoman Lois Frankel.
"When one group is marginalized and threatened, we are all at risk," said Frankel.
Other Democratic leaders like Joel Flores, the former mayor of Greenacres who was born and raised in Puerto Rico also denouncing the comedian.
Flores is a military veteran who served 15 years, with a tour in Afghanistan.
"I don't think they understand the sacrifice that we have made for this great country of ours," said Flores. "And what was said yesterday was absolutely appalling."
According to the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Election's Office, 14% of voters are Hispanic, 28% are Republican, and 33% are Democrats.
During the nearly 12 minute comedy act, Hinchcliffe made other racial remarks towards the Black and the Jewish community.
He said free speech is under attack, calling Republicans the party with a good sense of humor.

"I didn't see anyone in the audience laughing, it sounded like they were groaning, they were uncomfortable," said Republican Palm Beach County Commissioner Michael Barnertt.
"What do you think should have been done?" asked Lopez.
"I think somebody should have intervened, it should have never gotten that far," said Barnett.
The comedy routine, a comedic flop that people like Lydia Maldonado, who is from Puerto Rico, said has some truth behind it.
"I don't think he said it in that Puerto Rico is full of garbage, but yes, what's going on politically in Puerto Rico, yes it's full of garbage," said Maldonado. "I know a lot of Puerto Ricans who are upset about this and a lot of people are going to hate me for this, but do the math and start looking at the news."
She hopes the attention gained by the event serves as opportunity for presidential candidates to step up and help Puerto Rico's economic and political concerns.
"Puerto Ricans are citizens of the United States, we are not immigrants," said Maldonado.
Maldonado said Palm Beach County has seen a growth in the number of Hispanics registering as Republican.
She worries having the comedian at the Trump Rally may discourage the undecided voters.
The Trump campaign has responded saying the comments do not reflect the views of the former president.
Kamala Harris has also denounced the remarks.