

Bush calls Trump a 'jerk' in new political ad


Jeb Bush has released a new campaign ad and he’s targeting Donald Trump.

In it he calls Trump a ‘jerk.’

The ad is running in New Hampshire, according to CNN.

Here’s the text of the ad:

BUSH:  Just one other thing, I've got to get this off my chest -- Donald Trump is a jerk. 

CNN'S JOHN BERMAN:  Donald Trump facing new criticism for something he did on the campaign trail.  Last night in South Carolina, he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. 

TRUMP:  Oh, you've got to see this guy.  Ohh, I don't know what I said, ahh.  I don't remember. 

FATHER:  I have a 12-year-old son who is handicapped.  He has cerebral palsy and that just made me so angry.  And I told my wife, I just couldn't let that stand.  I had to do something, make sure Donald Trump wasn't the nominee for the Republican Party. 

BUSH:  I believe life is precious.  I think life is truly a gift from God.  And we're all equal under God's watchful eye.  That's what I believe.  And when anybody, anybody disparages people with disabilities, it sets me off.  That's why I called him a jerk.  What kind of person would you want to have in the presidency that does that.  At what point do we say, enough of this?  Let's start solving problems.  I'm Jeb Bush and I approve this message. 

As of midday Thursday Trump had not responded.