

Rubio supporters pack Miami rally despite losses

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Despite major losses on Super Tuesday, Marco Rubio is looking ahead to Florida's March 15 primary elections. He's hoping to win delegates in the state now that Governor Jeb Bush is out of the race. He told his Miami supporters Tuesday night that he will back after March 5 campaigning in Kentucky, Kansas, and Louisiana. 

Hundreds of his supporters packed the Ronald Reagan Equestrian Center at Tropical Park in Miami for Rubio's kick-off rally. 

"I hope to hear some rhetoric against Donald Trump because right now he's the biggest threat," said first time voter Jorge Pereira, 18. 

He and other supporters got exactly what they wanted, to hear Rubio slam Trump.

"Five days ago we began to explain to the American people that Donald trump is a con artist," said Rubio. "The other day Donald Trump was asked, will you take sides, will you take sides with Israel, in face of its enemies and he said he's not taking sides." 

Rubio's main focus appears to be immigration. He told his supporters about the need for freedom and the American dream, both resonating strongly with them. 

"When I'm President, we will not only save the American Dream, we will expand it," said Rubio. 

He has two weeks until the March 15 primary election to gain the majority of support in Florida and win the votes of those who were rooting for Bush. 

"I did want Bush to come out and then he dropped out so after that I swung my support towards Marco Rubio," added Pereira.