

Trump blasts California governor's immigrant pardons


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — President Donald Trump is blasting California Gov. Jerry Brown's pardon of five ex-convicts facing deportation, including two whose families fled the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia four decades ago.

In a tweet Saturday, Trump listed the ex-convicts' crimes before they were pardoned Friday. They include misdemeanor domestic violence, drug possession, and kidnapping and robbery.

Trump wrote: "Is this really what the great people of California want?"

Brown's office didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

Brown's pardons marked the third time the Democrat intervened on behalf of immigrants who were deported or faced deportation over convictions. Brown has accused the Trump administration of "basically going to war" with California over immigration policy.

Brown's pardons don't automatically stop deportation proceedings, but eliminate the convictions on which authorities based their deportation.