

Trump says he'd admit people who 'love' USA

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on the U.S. presidential race 

4:33 p.m.

Donald Trump is blaming poor immigrant screening for a trio of recent attacks and says his administration would enact policies that would solely admit immigrants "who love our country."

Speaking at a packed rally in Fort Myers, Florida, Trump did not say how he'd screen for that. But he declared that, "You can't have vetting if you don't look at ideology." 

The GOP nominee says recent attacks in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota are examples of how poor screening puts all Americans in danger. And he is repeating his call for "extreme" vetting that would include an assessment of whether potential immigrants share American values.

   4:31 p.m.

Newt Gingrich is defending Donald Trump for deeming Saturday night's explosion "a bomb" before law enforcement officials did.

Gingrich, opening for Trump at a rally Monday in Florida, said the Republican nominee was "telling the truth" and was "describing a bomb as though it were a bomb."

Trump said "a bomb went off in New York" moments after he stepped off his plane at a rally in Colorado Saturday night and before New York officials did. His opponent, Hillary Clinton, criticized Trump, saying "it's important to know the facts about any incident like this" before making public declarations.

Clinton also called it "a bombing" after receiving a briefing on the incident. Trump campaign officials have declined to say whether Trump had been briefed before stepping off his plane Saturday.


4:21 p.m.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine says he will continue to highlight Donald Trump's recently reversed position on whether President Barack Obama was born outside the United States.

Speaking to students at a rally in Iowa State University Monday, Kaine said Trump's acknowledgement last week that Obama was born in the country doesn't make up for the GOP presidential candidate's years of being one of the nation's most prominent advocates of the so-called "birther" conspiracy.

Kaine said Trump had taken the country back to "the most painful chapter" in the country's history, and compared Trump's birther position to the U.S. Supreme Court's infamous pro-slavery 1857 Dred Scott decision.

"I'm not letting this thing go," Kaine said.

3:50 p.m.

Donald Trump says recent attacks in three states should be "a wake-up call for every American."

The Republican presidential contender made the comment in a statement released Monday. He warned that terrorists are rooting for Hillary Clinton to win the presidency so "they can continue their savagery and murder."

Trump promised that "political correctness" would not shape his policies if elected. He said earlier in the day he supports racial profiling to help prevent terrorist attacks at home.

In the statement, he also renewed his support for "extreme vetting" for legal immigrants coming from troubled regions and reminded voters he would not grant entry to Syrian refugees.

Trump warned that failing "to get smart and get tough fast" could make the weekend's attacks "the new normal."

3 p.m.

Former President Bill Clinton is hosting his final gathering of the Clinton Global Initiative, an annual meeting of world leaders, philanthropists and celebrities.

The Clinton Foundation is facing election-year scrutiny, with Republicans accusing Hillary and Bill Clinton of using the organization to enrich themselves and give donors special political access.

In an attempt to quiet critics, Bill Clinton says he will step down from the foundation board if his wife is elected president. He has also said 2016 marks the last CGI meeting, regardless of the outcome of the November election.