

What politicians are saying after Trump was indicted

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday, July 31, 2023, unveiled his economic agenda in Rochester, New Hampshire.
and last updated

Ron DeSantis, Florida governor and presidential candidate
"As President, I will end the weaponization of government, replace the FBI Director, and ensure a single standard of justice for all Americans. While I’ve seen reports, I have not read the indictment. I do, though, believe we need to enact reforms so that Americans have the right to remove cases from Washington, DC to their home districts. Washington, DC is a 'swamp' and it is unfair to have to stand trial before a jury that is reflective of the swamp mentality. One of the reasons our country is in decline is the politicization of the rule of law. No more excuses — I will end the weaponization of the federal government."

Rick Scott, Florida U.S. senator
"It seems like every time we learn more about Biden’s shady business dealings, his DOJ indicts President Trump."

White House spokesman Ian Sams
“We would refer you to the Justice Department, which conducts its criminal investigations independently."

Brian Mast, U.S. Rep. (R) District 21
“Today is just another attempt to bury a bad media cycle for Joe Biden and his family by grasping at straws that have ‘Trump’ written on them. But the American people know better. They do not tolerate two tiers of justice and the weaponization of government against those who don’t fall in line with the woke agenda.”

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, U.S. Rep. (D) 25th District
“Donald Trump’s Big Lie involved a violent, deadly plot to overturn the legitimate outcome of a presidential election, subvert the will of the American people and overthrow our democracy. Of all his alleged crimes, this indictment is the most grave and demands adherence to America’s guiding principle that no one, including the president, stands above our laws. For now, it is critical that a fair legal process unfold without interference.”

Jervonte "Tae" Edmonds, State Rep. (D) District 88
 "This is unprecedented, it's a sign that Trump has been involved in serious crime namely trying to overturn the results of a free and fair election, it undermines public confidence in our democracy. It sets a dangerous precedent, and it leads to further instability in our country. I don't know what average American can have these many felony charges and potentially run for president."

Bobby Powell, State Sen. (D) District 24
"We know that nobody is above the law. Unfortunately we’ve also seen the reactions from high-ranking government officials who have decided that instead of following an making sure justice is served and everything is accurate and done fairly, they have decided to step in and try to do exactly what the former president has done. These charges are very, very serious. And this is not anything that we should laugh about, or joke about because this is the Democracy of our country."

Peter Feaman, Republican National Committeeman
“My reaction this I know is ridiculous. It’s enough is enough. This is completely out of control. The politicalization of the Justice Department is beyond anything that we have ever seen in American history. We have a president and a president’s son who have shown to be completely corrupt, that’s completely ignored and yet former president Donald Trump keeps getting indicted on charges that are completely, completely. Enough, I think the American people are finally going to wake up and see that this is nothing other than attacking a political opponent, who is the favorite to get the Republican Primary, and that’s the person who is going to run against President Biden and he is using the Justice Department political means and that has to stop.

Mike Pence, former U.S. vice president, GOP presidential candidate
"Today's indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States. Our country is more important than one man. Our constitution is more important than any one man’s career. On January 6th, Former President Trump demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution. I chose the Constitution and I always will."

William Hurd, former U.S. House member in Texas and GOP presidential candidate
"The 2020 election wasn't stolen, rigged, or fraudulent. It was lost by Donald Trump because he was incapable of uniting the country. Now, we've got to ask ourselves if we really want a president who's willing to violate his oath to the Constitution just to cling to power? The Trump of 2016 is a far cry from the desperate figure we see in 2024. It's about time our party, including the 2024 candidates, wake up to the fact that this guy only cares about himself, not our country's future. As Republicans, we need to prioritize offering solutions to difficult issues affecting all Americans and not allow ourselves to be distracted by Trump's baggage.

Asa Hutchinson, former Arkansas governor and GOP presidential candidate
"I have always said that Donald Trump is morally responsible for the attack on our democracy. Now, with today’s indictment, our system of Justice will determine whether he is criminally responsible."

Vivek Ramaswamy, businessman and GOP presidential candidate
"The corrupt federal police just won’t stop until they’ve achieved their mission: eliminate Trump. This is un-American & I commit to pardoning Trump for this indictment. Donald Trump isn’t the cause of what happened on Jan 6. The real cause was systematic & pervasive censorship of citizens in the year leading up to it. If you tell people they can’t speak, that’s when they scream. If you tell people they can’t scream, that’s when they tear things down. If we fail to admit the truth, Jan 6 will just be a preview of far worse to come & I don’t want to see us get there."

Tim Scott, U.S. senator from South Carolina and GOP presidential candidate
"I remain concerned about the weaponization of Biden’s DOJ and its immense power used against political opponents. What we see today are two different tracks of justice. One for political opponents and another for the son of the current president. We're watching Biden's DOJ continue to hunt Republicans, while protecting Democrats."

Chris Christie, former New Jersey governor and GOP presidential candidare
"The events around the White House from election night forward are a stain on our country’s history & a disgrace to the people who participated. This disgrace falls the most on Donald Trump. He swore an oath to the Constitution, violated his oath & brought shame to his presidency."