

PBC man fed up with flooding on his street

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In the midst of heavy storms on Wednesday, James McCarol told us it would take 3 to 4 days to get the water off his property.

Despite the progress that's been made, he says it seems as if that prediction will hold true.

"Last night I ran my pump until almost 2 o clock, the night before it was almost 4 in the morning," he says.

McCarol says it's been this way for 10 years, and for 10 years he says he's never been able to figure out exactly who is responsible.

He lives on a private road, and he says the runoff areas next to his home, which lead to a nearby drainage ditch, are clogged with debris.

"I have to make sure I'm home to make sure I start my pump in time, if not the water is coming into my house."

The question now - who's responsible.

We took his concerns to the city of Lake Worth public services, and Felipe Lofaso.

"What seems to be happening is you have a lower lying, private property area, that is accepting the rainfall and all the runoff from a county road," he says.

As for who's responsible for the drainage areas?

"It's an outer area, outside of the municipal boundaries of the city of Lake Worth," Lofaso says.

Next we reached out to the county, who told us by phone the road James lives on is a courtesy maintained roadway.

That means the road and the maintenance of the drainage areas are his responsibility - not the answer he was hoping for.

"I understand I live on a private road, I'll maintain the private road, but I don't own the easement," he says. "All that shrubs and all that - I can't do all that myself."

County engineers maintain that the property has no easement.

James says at this point he is considering hiring a lawyer to help sort this out.

He also plans on addressing the county commission at their next meeting.