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Here are the best and worst trees resistant to hurricanes

Posted 12:47 PM, Sep 22, 2017
and last updated 9:00 PM, Sep 22, 2017

Thousands of trees were knocked down and killed in Florida after Hurricane Irma pounded the state this month. 

RELATED:More hurricane stories | Residents should take down shelters

The Florida Forest Service said the uprooting, and defoliating of trees means there will be less carbon sequestration and oxygen production by trees. 

Irma also sped up the death process by killing many weak and old trees.

So, the Forest Service is offering advice to Floridians looking to replacing trees damaged or destroyed by the storm.

“When landowners replace hurricane damaged trees,” said Senior Forester Calin Ionita, Florida Forest Service in a written statement. “They should select a high quality tree—either a Florida Fancy or a Florida Grade No. 1 -- determined as such by the Florida Grades and Standards. This quality rating is based upon trunk, branch, crown, leaf and root characteristics.”

Below are some of the BEST trees resistance to wind damage, according to the Florida Forest Service. These trees are less likely to lose limbs or blow over during hurricanes. 

  • Southern Magnolia 
  • Live Oak 
  • Crape Myrtle 
  • Bald Cypress
  • Lychee 
  • Sabal Palm 
  • Coconut Palm
  • Royal Palm
  • Date Palm
  • Cabbage Palm

Some of the trees with the LEAST wind resistance are:

  • Sand Pine 
  • Chinese Elm 
  • Water Oak
  • Laurel Oak

Experts say proper planting and care are just as important as tree selection.  By making smart choices when you choose and plant new trees, you'll avoid costly damage later. 

Visit the Fresh From Florida website for more advice on tree replacement or visit your local county extension office.