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Big Dog Ranch rescues 60 dogs from China dog meat trade

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LOXAHATCHEE GROVES, Fla. — Big Dog Ranch Rescue in Loxahatchee Groves said 60 dogs arrived Thursday evening from China after being rescued from that country's dog meat trade.

In a written statement, the rescue group said the animals came from a Chinese shelter that needed space to save dogs from the "Yulin Dog Meat and Lechee Festival," which is currently taking place.

The dogs flew from China to New York City and then were driven to Palm Beach County.

"The dogs we recovered from the shelter were rescued from road side meat trucks as well as slaughter houses and meat markets. The local rescue was overwhelmed and needed space for new arrivals to be rescued from the terrible Yulin Festival. While we continue our local focus on dog rescue we cannot turn a blind eye on this atrocity and are working to help end the practice in those parts of Asia where dog meat is consumed," said Big Dog Ranch Rescue founder Lauree Simmons.

The dogs rescued Thursday will be available for adoption in two weeks, according to the organization.

Volunteers are also needed to walk and help care for the dogs.

Big Dog Ranch Rescue bills itself as the largest no-kill, cage-free shelter in the United States.